I spent the better part of last week talking myself hoarse at the Consumer Electronics Show. We also used this opportunity to converge a bunch of our technology and entrepreneurial Cornell friends for some social time. We had friends from Simply Audiobooks, Widetronix, Instictiv, 3M, Qualcomm, P&G, Harrah's, and (of course) Mezmeriz.

True, except for the juvenile part
We compared notes, tales of woe, and passed around a lot of encouragement. Of course, it's not always a big case study session and we did have a little Vegas-style fun.
I am not at liberty to reveal most of the details of the week's non-conference activities, but maybe Harvard Business School psychology professor Abraham Zaleznik is right:
"To understand the entrepreneur, you first have to understand the psychology of the juvenile delinquent...the hallmark of the entrepreneur is a drive for autonomy, for a freedom from restraints that bespeaks an inner rebelliousness and a fearlessness in the face of risk."
Well put, Professor Zaleznik. And for everyone who wasn't there, I encourage you to join us next year.

We compared notes, tales of woe, and passed around a lot of encouragement. Of course, it's not always a big case study session and we did have a little Vegas-style fun.
I am not at liberty to reveal most of the details of the week's non-conference activities, but maybe Harvard Business School psychology professor Abraham Zaleznik is right:
"To understand the entrepreneur, you first have to understand the psychology of the juvenile delinquent...the hallmark of the entrepreneur is a drive for autonomy, for a freedom from restraints that bespeaks an inner rebelliousness and a fearlessness in the face of risk."
Well put, Professor Zaleznik. And for everyone who wasn't there, I encourage you to join us next year.