This past weekend a group of Ithaca entrepreneurs took a trip to the Thousand Islands. It was a weekend of delicious beer, great food, and enthusiastic entrepreneurial chatter.

House of Big Ideas
In attendance we had Tom, Fox, Jon, Andrew, and John. A creative and hard working crew to a man. We kicked around some big ideas. John taught us all about Blue Ocean Strategy, and Fox taught us how to catch huge pike:

Big Fish from a Big Thinker
Entrepreneurship can often times be a lonely activity. Having smart and motived like minded peers like these guys makes all the difference.

The next big opportunity is right there
A special thanks to Jon's father in law for letting us stay on his private island, Club Jer.

In attendance we had Tom, Fox, Jon, Andrew, and John. A creative and hard working crew to a man. We kicked around some big ideas. John taught us all about Blue Ocean Strategy, and Fox taught us how to catch huge pike:

Entrepreneurship can often times be a lonely activity. Having smart and motived like minded peers like these guys makes all the difference.

A special thanks to Jon's father in law for letting us stay on his private island, Club Jer.