My good friend Scott Lomond earned his MBA from that bastion of southern intelligencia, Vanderbilt. Business school is all about case studies that are used to teach students to learn from others' mistakes. Despite his fancy schooling, he recently cited Dr. Suess’s “The Sneetches” as the relevant case study for an interesting and very real business dilemma.

The Sneetches!
The wisdom of Dr. Seuss is timeless, and goes well beyond the realm of children. So, if you don't know the story, read it here. If you do, ring me up sometime and I'll tell you the story about a real-world case of the Sneetches.

The wisdom of Dr. Seuss is timeless, and goes well beyond the realm of children. So, if you don't know the story, read it here. If you do, ring me up sometime and I'll tell you the story about a real-world case of the Sneetches.