$250,000 and a Great Experience!

Now it's fifth year, the Creative Core Emerging Business Competition is bigger than ever! This year, there is a quarter of a million dollars on the table for startups that are located in Central New York State.

Just a few short bites to the $250K seeds

With all that said about winning all that money, I think these competitions are a great way to focus an entrepreneurial team on a specific goal with a specific deadline. I have seen many strong business plans get written by people who were under the time pressure of a strict deadline.

One of the things every business plan needs - but doesn't always have - is a discussion of the main parts of a business. For those who are thinking of entering, here is the table of contents to the business plan we submitted and won with in 2008:

    Table of Contents.......................................page 1
    Executive Summary...........................................2
    Business Plan
  1. Company Mission..............................................6
  2. Technology & Product Description..........................6
  3. Market Size & Potential......................................8
  4. Market Validation.............................................9
  5. Competitive Analysis........................................10
  6. Management Profile.........................................12
  7. Revenue Projections & Operational Expenses............14
  8. Intellectual Property........................................16
  9. Risk Assessment..............................................17
  10. Stage of Development & Operational Steps...............18
  11. Financing Plan...............................................18
  12. Regional Economic Impact and Potential.................19
  13. Contact Information........................................19

Good luck!
