Last year I wrote a note about Ithaca company Widetronix winning the $250K DFJ Venture Challenge. This year they did it again by winning the MDA Creative Core $100,000 Emerging Business Competition!

The Force is strong with this Widetronix
This marks the third year in a row that an Ithaca/Cornell company has won this competition. e2e won in 2007, and Mezmeriz in 2008. It's a nice hat trick for the community, but it's not really a surprise to anyone here. That's because of the strong supportive environment fostered in the community. Of the 10 semifinalists, 5 were from Ithaca, and three of them were in the same building!
Well done Widetronix! Now, who wants to be next year's winner from Ithaca?
This marks the third year in a row that an Ithaca/Cornell company has won this competition. e2e won in 2007, and Mezmeriz in 2008. It's a nice hat trick for the community, but it's not really a surprise to anyone here. That's because of the strong supportive environment fostered in the community. Of the 10 semifinalists, 5 were from Ithaca, and three of them were in the same building!
Well done Widetronix! Now, who wants to be next year's winner from Ithaca?